Am Govt Student Lounge!


A Webinar is an opportunity for students to attend a live meeting in an Elluminate Room. The webinar has a chat box and whiteboard.
When you are ready to enter a session, click the link on the collaboration calendar to enter the room.    You’ll be asked to enter your name...make sure to include both your first and last name.  Once you login it takes a few moments for the room to launch.  Your moderating teacher(s) will  guide you from there!

If this is your first time attending an online session like this, I would strongly encourage you to visit and follow steps one and two to verify that you have the required software installed on your computer and are all set up to participate.  

Webinar Debates: 3.04 & 3.08

Debate example
Do you like to express your opinion about issues? Then these webinar debates are for you! We host online teacher-facilitated debates for the topics in lessons 3.04 and 3.08.  If you’d like to join a debate session, make sure you have read the lesson and made note of three arguments for both sides of the debate.  Use the lesson resources to gather your supporting evidence.  Once you enter the debate session, the moderating teacher will separate you into teams.  You will work with other students to select the best three arguments and a spokesperson from your team will share them with the group as a whole.  Microphones are not required, but are a useful tool to have.

Creative Projects: 5.01, 6.04, & 6.06

Do you like to create things? If you choose to collaborate on lessons 5.01, 6.04 or 6.06, you can attend an online session to learn more about the exciting web 2.0 tools available to help you create music videos, websites, dynamic presentations and more!  The moderating teacher in your online session will put you in a group with other students.  You will exchange contact information with your teammates and begin working together to create your product for 5.01, 6.04 or 6.06.