Am Govt Student Lounge!

Collaboration Requirement

 “Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success.”       -- Henry Ford

You are required to complete one collaboration assignment to complete this course.

You can meet this collaboration requirement in one of two ways-- an online debate or a group project.

If you selected to do the online debate option you attend a webinar for 3.04 or 3.08. If you are an honors student the 3.08 debate will not satisfy your honors assignment, but will satisfy the collaboration requirement.

If you select to work in a small group you can select any of the following assignments: 5.01, 6.04, 6.06. You will attend a webinar to learn about Web 2.0 tools to help you complete the assignment. During the webinar you will also be put into groups.

Please check your teacher's Announcement Page for the monthly collaboration schedule. In addition to the collaboration webinars, there is a Welcome Session and a Final Exam Review. Please contact your teacher with any questions.

Please view the Web 2.0 tools available to you. Be creative and have fun!!!